Substrate specificity of exopeptidases in small intestinal mucosa determines the structure of food-derived collagen peptides in rat lumen and blood

  • Sri Wijanarti
  • Reizeng Gu
  • Liang Chen
  • Wenying Liu
  • Muyi Cai
  • Ryota Suzuki
  • Kenji Sato
Keywords: Peptidase, Intestinal mucosa, Pro-Hyp, Gly-Pro, Bioavailability


Gly-Pro-Hyp-Gly is the most common motif in collagen. Ingestion of collagen hydrolysate (CH) has been reported to significantly increase Pro-Hyp and Hyp-Gly in human peripheral blood. However, the elevation of Gly-Pro content remains negligible. This study seeks to elucidate the underlying reasons behind the bioavailability of CH-derived peptides using in vivo and in vitro digestion. After oral administration of CH (800 mg/kg body weight) to rats, Pro-Hyp significantly increased in the lumen, small intestinal tissue, and blood from the abdominal vein, while only negligible amounts of Gly-Pro were detected. In vitro digestion of CH by digestive exopeptidases, including aminopeptidase N, leucine aminopeptidase, and carboxypeptidase A predominantly generated Gly-Pro. Interestingly, the digestion of CH with crude extract of small intestinal mucosa predominantly generated Pro-Hyp and negligible amounts of Gly-Pro. Furthermore, synthetic Gly-Pro was rapidly degraded by crude extract of the intestinal mucosa, while Pro-Hyp showed higher resistance. These facts indicate prolidase activity in the mucosa plays a crucial role in determining collagen-derived peptides in the body.


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How to Cite
Wijanarti, S., Gu, R., Chen, L., Liu, W., Cai, M., Suzuki, R., & Sato, K. (2024). Substrate specificity of exopeptidases in small intestinal mucosa determines the structure of food-derived collagen peptides in rat lumen and blood. Journal of Food Bioactives, 26.
Original Research