Review Process for JFB
Journal of Food Bioactives accepts online submissions only via ScholarOneTM manuscript handling system. A submitted manuscript will be first evaluated by the Managing Editor to check academic misconduct, contents and format among others. The Editor-in-Chief can reject a manuscript without a formal review if a manuscript falls into one of the following: (i) a topic out of the scope of this journal; (ii) poor originality or lacking technical merit; (iii) incomplete or partial results; (iv) suspicion of plagiarism; and (v) poorly written. The corresponding author must suggest 4 potential referees and provide a justification for his/her choices. These should be experts in the field, and no more than two should be from the same country as that of the authors. The editor/handling editor may include two of them in the review process. The manuscript may be sent to 4-5 independent reviewers with relevant expertise, and a minimum of 50+% of non-rejection should be received prior to further processing. Once reviews are received, acceptance without any comment provided will not be considered as being valid. ’Major revision’, ‘Minor revision’ or ‘Rejection’ may be considered. The revised manuscript may be sent back to the original reviewers for further comments and evaluation, and this process may be repeated, if necessary. Minor revision does not mean eventual acceptance of a manuscript.
Article Processing Charges (APC)
Open Access provides an immediate online access without a fee to readers around the world. Journal of Food Bioactives offsets all the costs associated with publishing service. Articles accepted for publication following a rigorous peer review incur a publishing fee charged to authors, institutions or funders. However, the APC of Journal of Food Bioactives is presently waived for each article accepted for publication.